Playlist TimeOut This Is Pop No. 140 vom 26.02.2025 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 26.02.2025 This is Pop No. 140

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
BABOON SHOW radio rebelde kidnap music
BABOON SHOW made up my mind kidnap music
BABOON SHOW you got a problem without knowing it kidnap music
PIGHOUNDS malaise noisolution
PIGHOUNDS pay to play noisolution
GODFATHERS I’m not well intercords
HELLACOPTERS wrong face on nuclear blast
HELLACOPTERS faraway looks nuclear blast
GRADE 2 judgement day hellcat
CYANIDE PILLS up against the wall damaged goods
CYANIDE PILLS won’t be long damaged goods

Playlist TimeOut This Is Pop No. 130 vom 26.02.2025 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 26.02.2025 This is Pop No. 140

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
BABOON SHOW radio rebelde kidnap music
BABOON SHOW made up my mind kidnap music
BABOON SHOW you got a problem without knowing it kidnap music
PIGHOUNDS malaise noisolution
PIGHOUNDS pay to play noisolution
GODFATHERS I’m not well intercords
HELLACOPTERS wrong face on nuclear blast
HELLACOPTERS faraway looks nuclear blast
GRADE 2 judgement day hellcat
CYANIDE PILLS up against the wall damaged goods
CYANIDE PILLS won’t be long damaged goods

Playlist SkaTime No. 218 vom 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 218 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
SLITS man next door rough trade
DAKKA SKANKS man next door dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS babylon falling dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS brighton bomb dakka skanky music
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ siempre es azul mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ a contra corriente mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ quisiera, pero no mamita records
AMPORANOIA mi genetica mamita records
KUMBIA QUEERS la china es kumbianchera horario invertido records
JAYA THE CAT here comes the drums bomber music

Playlist SkaTime No.218 vom 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 218 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
SLITS man next door rough trade
DAKKA SKANKS man next door dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS babylon falling dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS brighton bomb dakka skanky music
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ siempre es azul mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ a contra corriente mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ quisiera, pero no mamita records
AMPORANOIA mi genetica mamita records
KUMBIA QUEERS la china es kumbianchera horario invertido records
JAYA THE CAT here comes the drums bomber music

Playlist SkaTime No. 217 vom 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 217 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
TALCO paradise crew hfmn crew
TALCO danza dell’autunno rosa (live) destiny records
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG take you home uncle m
TALCO bella ciao (feat. LA PLEBE) (live) destiny records
ALARMSIGNAL nichts sehen, nichts hören aggressive punk produktionen
LOS FASTIDIOS ska medley (you’re wondering now/we’re coming back) kob records
LOS FASTIDIOS antifa hooligans ska kob records
DAKKA SKANKS life officer dakka skanky music

Playlist SkaTime No.217 vom 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 217 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
TALCO paradise crew hfmn crew
TALCO danza dell’autunno rosa (live) destiny records
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG take you home uncle m
TALCO bella ciao (feat. LA PLEBE) (live) destiny records
ALARMSIGNAL nichts sehen, nichts hören aggressive punk produktionen
LOS FASTIDIOS ska medley (you’re wondering now/we’re coming back) kob records
LOS FASTIDIOS antifa hooligans ska kob records
DAKKA SKANKS life officer dakka skanky music

Playlist TimeOut This Is Pop No. 139 vom 22.01.2025 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 22.01.2025 This is Pop No. 139

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
X-RAY SPEX art-i-ficial (live) secret records limited
X-RAY SPEX identity (live) secret records limited
ALARMSIGNAL kein vaterland (feat. Sarah Lesch) aggressive punk produktionen
ALARMSIGNAL deutsch mich nicht voll (feat. Chris Kotze) aggressive punk produktionen
DETLEF was ist männlich bakraufarfita records
DETLEF der gute mensch bakraufarfita records
WARMDUSCHER top shelf strap originals
FODS my fine derangement good stuck records

Playlist TimeOut This Is Pop No. 139 vom 22.01.2025 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 22.01.2025 This is Pop No. 139

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
X-RAY SPEX art-i-ficial (live) secret records limited
X-RAY SPEX identity (live) secret records limited
ALARMSIGNAL kein vaterland (feat. Sarah Lesch) aggressive punk produktionen
ALARMSIGNAL deutsch mich nicht voll (feat. Chris Kotze) aggressive punk produktionen
DETLEF was ist männlich bakraufarfita records
DETLEF der gute mensch bakraufarfita records
WARMDUSCHER top shelf strap originals
FODS my fine derangement good stuck records

Offbeat am Morgen - für alle Nachtschwärmer_innen, -arbeiter_innen und Frühaufsteher_innen: die SkaTime Musikschleife

Offbeat am Morgen - für alle Nachtschwärmer_innen, -arbeiter_innen und Frühaufsteher_innen: die SkaTime Musikschleife

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