Weblog von skatime

Playlist SkaTime No. 218 vom 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 218 22.02.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
SLITS man next door rough trade
DAKKA SKANKS man next door dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS babylon falling dakka skanky music
DAKKA SKANKS brighton bomb dakka skanky music
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ siempre es azul mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ a contra corriente mamita records
AMPORA SÁNCHEZ quisiera, pero no mamita records
AMPORANOIA mi genetica mamita records
KUMBIA QUEERS la china es kumbianchera horario invertido records
JAYA THE CAT here comes the drums bomber music

Playlist SkaTime No. 217 vom 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 217 25.01.2025 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
TALCO paradise crew hfmn crew
TALCO danza dell’autunno rosa (live) destiny records
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG take you home uncle m
TALCO bella ciao (feat. LA PLEBE) (live) destiny records
ALARMSIGNAL nichts sehen, nichts hören aggressive punk produktionen
LOS FASTIDIOS ska medley (you’re wondering now/we’re coming back) kob records
LOS FASTIDIOS antifa hooligans ska kob records
DAKKA SKANKS life officer dakka skanky music

Playlist SkaTime No. 216 vom 28.12.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 216 28.12.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
DIE LIGA DER GEWÖHNLICHEN GENTLEMEN kennst du werner enke? tapete records
DIE LIGA DER GEWÖHNLICHEN GENTLEMEN the out-crowd tapete records
DIE LIGA DER GEWÖHNLICHEN GENTLEMEN kilo shop mod tip top tapete records
JOHNNY REGGAE RUB FOUNDATION get rid of you pork pie
DERRICK MORGAN conquering ruler islands records
DESMOND DEKKAR fu manchu trojan records
DESMOND DEKKAR wise man trojan records
CLASH rudie can’t fail columbia

Playlist SkaTime No. 215 vom 23.11.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 215 23.11.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
RAT BOY mob mentality hellcat records
RAT BOY best is yet to come hellcat records
RAT BOY every little helps hellcat records
WISECRÄCKER feat. Denise M’Baye time to show elmo records
WISECRÄCKER master of puppets übersee records
WISECRÄCKER hand it over bakraufarfita records
RANTANPLAN natural born altona hamburg allstars
RANTANPLAN sankt paul skapunk hamburg allstars
NO LIFE LOST hauptsache italien flat daddy records
NO LIFE LOST mann von welt rotlicht records

Playlist SkaTime No. 214 vom 26.10.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 214 26.10.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
CABRIANS suburban rebels liquidator music
DAVE BARKER shocks of mighty trojan records
DAVE BARKER tight spot trojan records
U-ROY jump for joy vista sounds
JAUNE TOUJOURS vertigo (extended version) choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS dimanche (ciascuno ha un pazzo nella manica) extended version choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS underground choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS changement de plan choux de bruxelles
MURPHYS LAW reefer man another planet records

Playlist SkaTime No. 214 vom 26.10.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 214 26.10.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
CABRIANS suburban rebels liquidator music
DAVE BARKER shocks of mighty trojan records
DAVE BARKER tight spot trojan records
U-ROY jump for joy vista sounds
JAUNE TOUJOURS vertigo (extended version) choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS dimanche (ciascuno ha un pazzo nella manica) extended version choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS underground choux de bruxelles
JAUNE TOUJOURS changement de plan choux de bruxelles
MURPHYS LAW reefer man another planet records

Playlist SkaTime No. 213 vom 28.09.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 212 28.09.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
EL FLECHA NEGRA la suerte (feat. Sergent Garcia) soulfire artists
EL FLECHA NEGRA vive tu vida black forrest voodoo
EL FLECHA NEGRA el capitán mantarraya black forrest voodoo
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG take you home uncle m
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG light it up uncle m
TEQUILA & THE SUNRISE GANG intoaction uncle m
FANFARE CIOCĂRLIA pannonicated polka asphalt tango records
FANFARE CIOCĂRLIA escape from baltimore asphalt tango records

Playlist SkaTime No. 212 vom 24.08.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 212 24.08.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
BLECHREIZ guns of navarone pork pie
DR. RING DING it ain’t right pork pie
MAGIC TOUCH give it up pork pie
RIO REISER arbeitslosenreggae möbius rekords
VAGABUND mazel tov gparts
VAGABUND hora pe opt gparts
AMSTERDAM KLEZMER BAND papa chajes essay recordings
JAYA THE CAT amsterdam bomber music
JAYA THE CAT wine stained futon bomber music
JAYA THE CAT unconditional love bomber music
SPIRITUAL CRAMP blowback blue grape music

Playlist SkaTime No. 211 vom 27.07.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 211 27.07.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH johnny to bad i.r.s. records
PRETENDERS lightning man bmg
RANCID timebomb semaphore
STIFF LITTLE FINGERS johnny was (live) emi
MEMBERS clean men captain oi
CLASH guns of brixton cbs
RUTS jah war caroline records
MOTORS cold love virgin records
BAD BRAINS I and I survive abstract records
SILVI & DIE AWAC’S faschisten an der macht schallmauer
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
RIO REISER arbeitslosenreggae möbius rekords

Playlist SkaTime No. 210 vom 22.06.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr

SkaTime No. 210 22.06.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
SPECIALS a message to you rudy chrysalis
COVENTRY AUTOMATICS wake up receiver records
MADNESS one step beyond union square
BEAT big shot arista records
SELECTER too much pressure chrysalis
BODYSNATCHERS too experienced chrysalis
BAD MANNERS just a feeling magnet
AK BAND pink slippers mod ska
GANGSTERS we are the gangsters mod ska
SPECIALS doesn’t make it alright chrysalis
ROLLINGS new era gem tone
TREMENDE il ree gridalo forte records

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