AUSFLUG 3.3.25 8. März, ein paar Konzerte ...

Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield) Ensemble Petit & Screen Land Orchestra
Heroin IsolationBerlin (Knust)
Vergifte dich Isolation Berlin
Woman Is The Nigger Of The World John Lennon
Der Feminist Klitclique
Frauen In Frieden Und Freiheit Foyer Des Arts
What If... (Down with the Patriarchy) No Bra
You Can't Play With My Yo-Yo Yo-Yo
No Work Queen Latifah
Patriarchy Ain't The End Of Me Mykki Blanco
Stirb Patriarchat Stirb! Zinn 0
Ain't I A Woman? Pure Adult (MS Stubnitz)
Your Humble Narrator Cassels (MS Stubnitz)
Tubular Bells, Part 1 (Exc.) Mike Oldfield (Kampnagel)


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