Doctore Xyramat
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 10.2.2013
Xyramat – Korruption II
AVOLA - Beast Belly
Marianne Svašek - Raga Marwa (excerpt)
Miharu Ogura - Klavierstück VII
Sonata Rec. – Systemische Irrfahrt (2009 – 2020)
Martina Bertoni – Collided
Tujiko Noriko - A Meeting at the Space Station
Mute Frequencies - Fifty Hertz (Live at Radio Revolten)
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 13.1.2023
Xyramat – Industrialisierter Fluss
Simona Zamboli - Haunting Ruined Landscapes
Trondheim Voices - Sakte Draw
Jad Atoui & Khodor Ellaik – Blackout
Kiki Bohemia & Sicker Man - I Saw You Kiss the Lion's Ass
MoE y Escalantes - Bagpipes From Guanajuato
Snowdrops - Comme un souffle qui vient...
Erikm & HANATSUmiroir – Arikoda
Porya Hatami & Monologue - La Commune (Edit)
Noémi Büchi - Causes Of Forgetfulness
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 9.12.2022
Xyramat – Gier
Fiona Soe Paing – Auchindoun
antxnio graz - ... until everything is fluid
This Immortal Coil - A White Rainbow (Remix by Geins't Nait)
Ikonika – Energy
Snowdrops – Firebirds
Mona Mur - Die Ballade vom ertrunkenen Mädchen
Erikm & HANATSUmiroir - Yama-Uba
Kiki Bohemia & Sicker Man – Unfold
Noémi Büchi – Screaming At Brutism
Jad Atoui & Khodor Ellaik - Blackout
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 11.11.2022
Xyramat – Tanz
Sawako - Fertile Emptiness
diane barbé - territory is a verb is an expression
Anna Stereopoulu – The Water Spring
Perpetual Bridge - Paradoxical Propeller
Kristina Edin – Skare
SPILL - Pure
Christine Abdelnour & Andy Moor – Telephone
Lueenas – Resurrection
Craven Faults - Eller Ghyll (Live Works)
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 14.10.2022
Xyramat – Das Opfer
Barbara Ellison - Plauditory Phantoms #01
Cio D’Or – Swirl
Jessica Moss - This Continuous Spectrum
OdNu - Ice Covered
Fog School - The Last Beat of My Heart
Mia Zabelka | Henrik Meierkord | IcosTech - Tech 2417 (Aftershock Pt. 2)
Moor Mother - Clap Piece
Julia Reidy / Morten Joh - Rows
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