Xyramat – Quer
Lucidvox - Don't Look Away
Olivia Louvel - We Are One Land
Choeur tac-til - Object II
Maja S. K. Ratkje & Nordic Affect – Lokk
Lenhart Tapes - Mejremo (feat. Tijana Stanković)
Amby Downs - I Am Holding My Breath (excerpt)
Amelia Cuni, Werner Durand & Uli Hohmann – Byss
Pelayo Arrizabalaga & Eli Gras - Playa Vertical
Electronica - Female Music - Xyramat
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 8.12.23
Playlist- Doctore Xyramat - 11.8.23
Xyramat – 5
Hyunhye Seo - Eel II
Hackedepicciotto – Aichach
She Spread Sorrow – Star
Al Karpenter - Poison Sun (with Triple Negative and Dominic Coles)
Hellas – Shinjuku
Christina Giannone - 2
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 13.1.2023
Xyramat – Industrialisierter Fluss
Simona Zamboli - Haunting Ruined Landscapes
Trondheim Voices - Sakte Draw
Jad Atoui & Khodor Ellaik – Blackout
Kiki Bohemia & Sicker Man - I Saw You Kiss the Lion's Ass
MoE y Escalantes - Bagpipes From Guanajuato
Snowdrops - Comme un souffle qui vient...
Erikm & HANATSUmiroir – Arikoda
Porya Hatami & Monologue - La Commune (Edit)
Noémi Büchi - Causes Of Forgetfulness
Playlist "Doctore Xyramat" - 14.1.2022
Xyramat – Technox
Mario Bajardi – Drift
Sarah Defrise – Aria for mezzo-soprano and Fontana Mix
Sarah Aristidou & Kaan Bulak – S’Agapo
Anna Stereopoulou – Opening Titles
Ingfrid Breie Nyhus – Rammepiano II
Anna Stereopoulou – Clothes Thrown At Sea
Phew - Day Nights
SIFIR – Heavy Forgotten
IOKOI – Bloody Life
Marina Stewart – Mer-Aba Soukh
Marie Jeanne Wyckmans – Fin de Crise
Playlist "Doctore Xyramat" - 10.12.2021
Xyramat/Das Gebrechen – Was ist Verrat?
Marina Stewart – Gliss
Marie-Jeanne Wyckmans – L’hubris du monde
Sarah Defrise – Passion selon Sade, fragments O
Qod – Orbeat
Olivia Block – Through Houses
Melissa Pons – Three
Jessica Moss – Contemplation II
Dullmea & Ricardo Pinto – The Monk is drunk
Aspidistrafly – A Black-Necked Swan
Ingfrid Breie-Nyhus – Forspill
Fiyahred – Anyway
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