Doctore Xyramat
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 9.9.2022
Xyramat – Soundpunk
Catherine Graindorge featuring Iggy Pop – The Dictator
Yanna Momina - My Family Won't Let Me Marry the Man I Love (I Am Forced to Wed My Uncle)
Christina Vantzou, Michael Harrison, John Also – Tilang
Gammelsæter & Marhaug – Forces
Natalie Beridze - Forensic Of The Thread
Maya Bennardo, Erik Blennow Calälv, Kristoffer Svensson – in yo
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 12.8.2022
Xyramat – Soundpunk
Angelina Yershova, Ynaktera - Awakened Goddess
Lucia Udvardyova – Homebound
Esmerine - Hymn For Rob
Kl4ng – Intro
Kl4ng – Recherche
Madeleine Cocolas – Resonance
Natalie Beridze - Ash Wednesday
Perverts In White Shirts – Pangolin
Playlist- Doctore Xyramat - 8.7.2022
Xyramat – eis, eisig
Limpe Fuchs – Solo 1
Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker – Meccanica primitiva
Flavia Massimo – Oxygen
Phtalo - You're The One
Alexandra Spence - Water Bugs
Claudia Molitor - Ein kleines Lied an Dich
Tampuan - Harvesting (Exploring Gong Culture In Southeast Asia)
MimiCof - Distant Symphony I
Playlist "Doctore Xyramat" - 10.6.2022
Xyramat – Ball
Philipp Rumsch Ensemble – Dementia - Friederike Bernhardt
Andrea Grossi Blend 3 + Beatrice Arrigoni - Had We Known the Ton She Bore
Sebi Tramontana – Vespro
700 Bliss - Bless Grips
Barnett + Coloccia – Bristlecone
Borsigwerke – Hiroshima Revisited 2022
Iannis Xenakis – Taurhiphanie
JOYFULTALK - Take It To The Grave
Anna Schimkat - Today's Noise
Playlist "Doctore Xyramat" - 13.5.2022
Xyramat – 5
Linnéa Talp – Going Nowhere
Kristine Scholz - Otte XII
Hans P. Kjorstad – Divisjon
Hüma Utku – Sublimation
Jana Irmert - Dust is the Rust of Time
Kaja Draksler – Toward
Le UN - Unité Nodale 4.1
Eye Gymnastics - Sadness And Joy
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