The crash was the only real experience we had been through for years. Today's breakdowns by A-a-r-d-v-a-r-k, HSV, Harsh Noise Karaoke Crew, DJ Rashad (R.I.P.), Goldie (Tribute to DJ Kemistry), Bronze, Maria Minerva, Ezekiel Honig, Farben & James Din A4, Jorge Velez, Sd Laika and Prurient & Nico Vascellari. Tune in, drop out!
Difficult Music for Difficult People
28 Apr / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
21 Apr / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't: Astral Social Club Vs Bacon Industries, Scheich in China, Afrikan Sciences, Run Dust, Eric Holm, Killing Sound, Pinch, Acre, Ipman, Batu, Elmono, Naps and Some Truths. Tune in, drop out!
14 Apr / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Soniccrime, they called it. Today's misdoings: 1-800-Lipstick, Legion Of Swine, Philip Perkins, Beppu, Charles Cohen, Damaskin, Copeland, Kane Ikin, Love Cult, Barton Moss, Shackleton*, Ron Morelli and Ratking. Tune in, drop out!
7 Apr / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People (mixcloud)
This episode is now on mixcloud
First broadcast: 7 Apr 2014
Mar. 31st / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Invisible things are the only realities. New tapes from Opal by KETEV, James Place, Ford Foster & William Watts and Alley Catss & S Olbricht. More music by Java Delle, Valerio Tricoli, Pan Sonic, Millie & Andrea, Florian Kupfer and Dalhous. Tune in, drop out!
Mar. 10th / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Let us leave theories there and return to here's hear. Today's music: Yves De Mey, Piss Guitars, Sister/Body, Low Jack, Four Tet & Terror Danjah, Bolder, Distorsion Girls, David Wallraf, Odd Shapes and Broken English Club. Tune in, drop out!
Mar. 3rd / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
There will be no war, but in the pursuit of principle no stone will be left standing. Today's music: Yair Etziony, Scheich in China, John Halifax, Basic Banalities, Ekoplekz, Grey Guides, Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire, Damien Dubrovnik, Body League, Sleazy Pictures of Teapee and Java Delle. Tune in, drop out!
Feb. 24th / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Hard times require furious dancing. Each of us is proof. Today's music: Untold, Koenraad Ecker, The Siege Of Troy, Samuel Kerridge, Oberman Knocks, Broken Lights, Blodvite, Amphetamine Logic, White, The Body and Mark Stewart & Maffia. Tune in, drop out!
Each Monday on Radio FSK
(5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
Hamburg area: FM 93,0 \ Cable 101,4
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