What's it going to be, eh? Welly, welly, welly, welly, well! German Army, Scheich in China, Ljavle, Claus Poulsen, Sleazy Pictures Of Teapee, Mischa Pavlovski, Basic House, Monoton, Black Rain, Philipp Quehenberger and Croatian Amor. Tune in, drop out!
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Recommended places!
Difficult Music for Difficult People
1 September / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
25 August / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Fight the fire, and I am waiting. She said, he said. Just start, that heart. Today's sounds in the wire: Basic House, David Wallraf, December, KETEV, Samuel Kerridge, Metasplice, Zipcode, Die Infantillerie, Wallraf/Delle and Alice Coltrane. Tune in, drop out!
More about this episode on fb.
Always worth going: Kraniche bei den Elbbrücken
11 August / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
No single song abides; and all music is fucked up. Today's busted tunes: Mark Pritchard, Marreck, Killing Sound, Perc & Truss, Huerco S., Encym, David Wallraf, RatKat, Yes Blythe, Violetpoison, Anthony Naples, Shapednoise and Lee Gamble. Tune in, drop out!
Mon., 11 August @ Pudel
NEXT TIME: Paulina Allamah & Nikae & Ratkat
4 August / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Music is no longer tasted it is swallowed. Absorb this: Demdike Stare, Nate Young, Koehler, Roberto Crippa, Ocoeur, Shackleton and Humanhate666. Tune in, drop out!
Sat., 9 August \ BAD MO' RISIN'@ K', Bremen
Tape Release Party. Live: Arvind Ganga, Astro Cloud, City Hands, David Wallraf, Hexeneiche, Schrein and Sleazy Pictures Of Teapee.
28 July / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
All was eclipsed in sinister muteness. Until now: German Army, White Wigwam and Lawrence English. In the second hour you can listen to an exclusive recording from Istanbul-based artist Serhat Köksal aka 2/5 BZ. Tune in, drop out!
1–2 August @ Bei Koc (Hanover) and Kunstpavillon (Munic)
14 July / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
A face is raining, across the border, the pride of history, the same as murder. Is this living... Behind the moaning we drop some spreading tunes: 1-800 Lipstick, David Wallraf, Istari Lasterfahrer and Lumisokea. Tune in, drop out!
7 July / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
Slept, awoke, slept, awoke, miserable life. Today's seedy tunes: John Wall, Demdike Stare, John Chantler, Puce Mary, Shivers, Asolaar, Section_9, Basic House, Java Delle and Nika Son. Tune in, drop out!
Mon., 14 July @ Pudel
Next time
Live: Istari Lasterfahrer & David Wallraf. DJs: Difficult Music for Difficult People & Nikae & Ratkat. tra by Felix Reithel.
30 June / 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT \ Difficult Music For Difficult People
On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it's a no man's land, lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now. Today's breakup tunes: Fejhed, Stefan Jaworzyn, El Kid*, Filter Dread*, Lily*, Craig Leon, Istari Lasterfahrer and Terrorrythmus. Tune in, drop out!
*From The Reels - A NoCorner Collection
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