Difficult Music for Difficult People

15.7. / 17-19 Uhr \ Difficult Music: Attenuation Circuit Special

Today we'll introduce Attenuation Circuit, the Augsburg based DIY label for experimental music. Featuring: If, Bwana (Usa), Esa Ruoho (Finnland), Le Syndicat- MMX (Frankreich), RXoN and label boss Sascha aka Emerga & Dependenz. Tune in, drop out!


June 6th \ Live at FSK: The Experimental Sounding Board (Uk/D)

Nágrannavarsla Concerts presents:

The Experimental Sounding Board (Uk/D)
[ypsmael & Lorah Pierre & Ekca Liena]
Thursday, June 6th 2013
FSK Studios from 8pm
Eimsbüttler Chaussee 21

3.6. / 17-19 Uhr \ Difficult Music For Difficult People

Maybe we'll play music from John Halifax, The Homosexuals, Java Delle, Ensemble Skalectrik, Jeri-Jeri, Hacker Farm and many more. Feel free to join our next event at FSK, this Thursday:

Nágrannavarsla Concerts presents:

27.05. / 17-19 Uhr \ Difficult Music For Difficult People

"I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring. And that's my one fear: that everything has happened; nothing exciting or new or interesting is ever going to happen again ... the future is just going to be a vast, conforming suburb of the soul." (J. G. Ballard)

13.05. / 17-19 Uhr \ Difficult Music – Live: Krankenhavs & Claus Poulsen

There is no black and white, not even grey – das Trio Krankenhavs aus Århus, Hamburg und Kopenhagen ist eine Assoziation für intensive Diagnostik, Therapie und Notfallbehandlung. Ein No-Music-Schockraum. Die erprobte Behandlungs - methode ist Zurückweisung, Störung und Negation jeder Normativität und die Reanimation durch Noise.

29.04. / 17-19 Uhr \ Difficult Music For Difficult People

Today: the great GREY GUIDES special! We know where he lives but we never visit him (but we will). In a cess pit of endless puking and howling (in Leeds). We had no sunday tea, sausages and beans but three mysterious records we gonna play today. Action speaks louder than words! Tune in, drop out!


Am Sonntag, den 28.4., sind zwei großartige slowenische No Wave-(Post)Punk-Rock-Bands im Foyer des Freien Sender Kombinats zu Gast: IT’S EVERYONE ELSE und LUDOVIK MATERIAL. Das wird gut! Step in, drop out! Support DIY!

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

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