Jazz oder nie: Teller Buntes; Tracklist

1. Jazzrausch Big Band: What it is; Techné
2. Jason Nazary, Saint Abdullah: Evicted in the morning; Evicted...
3. Jason Nazary, Saint Abdullah: Shot of a cucumber; Evicted...
4. Sexmob: Fletcher Henderson; The Hard Way
5. Steven Bernstein: Manishtana; Diaspora Soul; Diaspora Soul
6. Sote: Wvtbisspxzagros; Sound system Persepolis
7. Sote Ministry of tall tales; Rain of Insanity
8. The Choir Invisible: The Audition; Town of two faces
9. Pulled by magnets: nowhere nothing; Rose golden doorways
10.Carmel: Jazz Robin; Everybody´s got a little....Soul
11.Devin Gray: Data Pollution; Data Pollution
12.Devin Gray: Anthony, Burroughs; Data Pollution
13.Millennia Hotel; Data Pollution
14.Mahleem Mahmoud Ghania w. Pharoah Sanders: La Allah Dayim Moule-
nah; The Trance of Seven Colours
15.Sven Kacirek/Fiumya Gao: Bowie; Hoya
16.Joelle Léandre/George Lewis: Transatlantic Visions 2; Transatlan-
tic Visions
17.Egberto Gismonti: Raga; Sol do meio dia
18.Blotto: Shiitake; Grzbina

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