Gemeinschaftssendung der MR: Musik aus unserer Jugend; Tracklist

1. Canned Heat: On the road again; Best of
2. Little Richard: Lucille
3. Donovan: Jennifer, Juniper
4. Herman van Veen: Weg da
5. Thelonious Monk: Misterioso; At the Five Spot
6. Belly: Star; Star
7. T-Love: Ona I ona; Chlopaki ni placza
8. T-Love: Chlopaki ni placza; Chlopaki ni placza
9. Gateway (J.Abercrombie,D.Holland, Johnette) Back-Woods Song
10.Sleater Kinney: Heart attack; Call the Doctor
11.Shakti: La Danse du Bonheur; A handful of beauty
12.Chumbawamba: Prolog/How to get your band on TV; Pictures of star-
ving children sell records....
13.Crass: Mother

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