AUSFLUG 27.1.25 Thema: Vernichtungslager Auschwitz vor 80 Jahren befreit

shvartze flamen, vayser fayer Black Ox Orkestar
2nd train meditation Lemez Lovas
In the Name of the Holocaust: II John Cage
Different Trains (Europe - During the War) Steve Reich
Lento E largo—Tranquillissimo (Henryk Górecki) Beth Gibbons
Darkness Surrounds Us The Body
Auschwitz ˆ Rafters, Manchester 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Erinnern Jens Pauly
Concerto Funebre: 1. Einführung (Largo) Hartmann, Karl Amadeus
Israel Is Her Name Jeannie Reynolds
> Do 30.01.25 Goldener Salon Beginn: 20:00 eat-girls (Lyon, FR) + Museum Of No Art (HH)
Postpunk - minimal-synth
> Do. 30.1.25 MS Stubnitz Femtanyl (ca) support: Ozona
electronic | digital hardcore pop | dnb | rap | breakcore
> Fr. 31.1.25 Veranstaltung von Hörbar e.V., Tam Thi Pham, Kris Kuldkepp, Jan Wegmann,
Brigittenstr. 5, Hinterhof (in B-Movie), 20359


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