TimeOut Musikschleife No.86 03.09.2022 06:00-10:30 Uhr
Artist titel label
BOW WOW WOW c30,c60, c90 go emi
ADAM & THE ANTS antmusic cbs records
VAPORS turning japanese united artists
SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES christine polydor
CHEFS 24 hours damaged goods
BUSH TETRAS too many creeps 99 records
MOTORS cold love virgin records
CURE juming someone else's train friction records
XTC when you're near me I have difficulty virgin records
EDGE edge theme hurricane records
JAM that's entertainment (demoversion) metronome
J.C. MAINMEN earbending fresh records
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.86 – 03.09.2022 06:00 - 10:30
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.84 – 05.03.2022 07:15-10:00
TimeOut Musikschleife No.84 05.03.2022 07:15-10:00 Uhr
Artist titel label
NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS into my arms mute records
GRAND PARADISO california sun beste! unterhaltung
XTC king for a day geffen records
LES REINES PROCHAINES das preisausschreiben les reines prochaines
ROKIA TRAORE zen out here rec
AMADOU & MARIAM senegal sea food warner
TUMI & THE VOLUME light in your head sakifo records
LES REINES PROCHAINES drehen drehen purzelbaum rec rec music
KLETZMOFOBIA vi ahin zol ich gehen? tiger records
AMSTERDAM KLEZMER BAND gogol mogol essay recordings
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.83 vom 08.01.2022 06:00-10:00 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.83 08.01.2022 00:06-10:00 Uhr
Artist titel label
P.I.L. socialist virgin
HAVALINAS inexperienced elektra
SCHRENG SCHRENG & LA LA ekel und abscheu rookie records
DOCTOR & THE MEDICTS spirit in the sky i.r.s. records
P.I.L. don't aks me virgin
RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS fight like a brave emi
MANO NEGRA king kong five virgin
24-7 SPYZ grandma dynamite london metal
FUGAZI waiting room dischord
PIXIES where is my mind? 4ad
SONIC YOUTH kool thing geffen records
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.82 vom 05.11.2021 06:00-10:00 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.82 – 06.11.2021 06:00-10:00 Uhr
Artist titel label
BEATNIGS television alternative tentacles
SCHRENG SCHRENG & LA LA 1 shanty gegen doof rookie records
AERONAUTEN du kotzt mich an jetzt tapete records
ELÄKELÄISET humppa tanaan humppa records
ROY DE ROY minimum wage, maximum rage dramatic pause
RANTANPLAN natural born altona dakkar
RUSSKAJA el pueblo unido napalm records
LYAPIS TRUBETSKOY capital eastblok music
RIO REISER der traum ist aus (live) möbius rekords
HEIDI FRANKE die blumen sind für sie herr polizist bear family
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.81 vom 04.09.2021 06:00-09:00 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.81 04.09.2021 06:00-09:00 Uhr
Artist titel label
BASTARDS tomorrow hoehnie records
SHAM 69 what have we got? (peel session) strange fruit
WANDERERS take them and break them polydor
LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH open your eyes i.r.s. records
CULT rain virgin
BIG BLACK the power of indepent trucking blast first
LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH murder style i.r.s. records
LIVING IN TEXAS indifference cent pour cent
ALIEN SEX FIEND I'm not mad elektra
SONIC YOUTH rowche rumble (peel session) not on label
AU PAIRS we're so cool human records
Playlist vom 07.11.2020 06:00-09:00 Uhr TimeOut Musikschleife Nr. 78
TimeOut Musikschleife No.78 – 07.11.2020 06:00-09:30 Uhr
Artist Titel Label
EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN ten grand goldie potomak
FAD GADGET back to nature mute records
ALIEN SEX FIEND I‘m not mad anagram records
PHILLIP BOA & THE VOODOO CLUB kill your ideals polydor
SPECIAL INTEREST street pulse beat nightschool records
SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES the double life geffen records
KATE TEMPEST europe is lost caroline
DE STAAT fake it till you make it caroline
K‘NAAN 15 minutes away out here rec
CURE lullaby (acustic) universal
BAADER MEINHOFF baader meinhoff 3 loop music
Playlist vom 05.09.2020 06:00-09:00 Uhr TimeOut Musikschleife Nr. 77
TimeOut Musikschleife No.77 - 05.09.2020 06:00-09:30 Uhr
Artist Titel Label
UK SUBS endangered species nems
SHAM 69 run wild run free sanctuary records
COCKNEY REJECTS police car captain oi
BUSINESS do they owe us a living? taang! Records
ENGLISH DOGS the fall of max clay records
ANGELIC UPSTARTS woman in disguise cherry red records
EJECTED have you got 10p? riot city
ACTION PACT! london bouncers captain oi
PARTISANS police story let them eat vinyl
PETER & THE TEST TUBE BABIES wimpeez captain oi
SAMPLES dead hero let them eat vinyl
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.75 vom 02.05.2020 06:00-09:30 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.75 - 02.05.2020 06:00-09:30 Uhr
Artist Titel Label
MAN MAN on the mend sub pop
MAN MAN lonely beuys sub pop
ATTIC RED so it goes pecan crazy records
ATTIC RED down on the farm pecan crazy records
DECIMA VICTIMA radical munster records
DECIMA VICTIMA fuera de lugar munster records
CHEFS 24 hours damaged goods
CHEFS let's make up damaged goods
RUBELLA BALLET ballet dance (peel session) dark entries records
RUBELLA BALLET belfast (peel session) dark entries records
PORRIDGE RADIO don't ask me twice secretly canadian
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.74 vom 07.03.2020 06:00-11:00 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.74 - 07.03.2020 06:00-11:00 Uhr
Artist Titel Label
TH/S /S SH/T /// upton park
MAX GOLDT monolog eines morganatischen maurers fünfundvierzig
BITTER MOON kontaktseinheit la suisse primitive
EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN anrufe in abwesenheit potomak
MAX GOLDT die symbolische nachbarin fünfundvierzig
CLEMIX c'est commun clemix
LOVATARAX medicine unknown pleasures records
MOKROÏE guns bless america mokroïe
PAOLO SPACCAMONTI paul dance escape from today/dunque
LESBAN HANOVER du scrollst dead scarlet
FASTLANE CANDIES blue nights freaksville music
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.73 vom 05.01.2020 06:00-09:00 Uhr
TimeOut Musikschleife No.73 - 05.01.2020 06:00-09:00 Uhr
Artist Titel Label
PETER & THE TEST TUBE BABIES blown out again captain oi
PARTISANS 17 years of hell anagram records
EXPELLED government policy cherry red records
ANTI-PASTI six guns anagram records
BLITZ warriors captain oi
ABRASIVE WHEELS burn 'em down cherry red records
INFA-RIOT emergency captain oi
ANGELIC UPSTARTS police oppression captain oi
UK SUBS new york state police cleopatra records
ONE WAY SYSTEM gutter boy captain oi
DISCHARGE state violence state control captain oi
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- hi! danke für's feedback!nMaCh
- Gewinner*in Kartenverlosungskatime
- 20.2. 9-10 zwischendurchChri (nicht überprüft)
- danke! das freut "die ganzenMaCh
- Toller Sender! Und tollerMartha (nicht überprüft)