1. Expo 70 - I am Seamonster - Had Art
2. Keda - Dali - Parenthéses Records
3. Ross Manning - Led Vert - Room 40
4. Doc Wör Mirrian Featuring Conrad Schnitzler - Rojo 4 - Tourette Records
5. O.S.T. - V.A. - The Last House On DEad End Street - Vombis
6. Evan Parker - Monoceros 2 - PSI Records
7. Fire! - She Owned His Voise - Rune Grammofon
8. Gnod - The Mirror
9. DDAA - Die FRagmentierung - Psychofon Records
10. Hama - Imidiwan N'Assouf - Sahel Sounds
12. Horacipo Pollard - Frequencies Of Seizure - DirtMachnine
13. Allan Zane - Split - Attenuation Circuit
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (www.ubuibi.org). Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (www.dfm.nu), 21 September 2014 with Special Guest: CHERYL E. LEONARD / Theme: "RAIN DANCE"
Radio Gagarin playlist vom 08. april 2016
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (www.ubuibi.org).
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (www.dfm.nu), 24 November
2013 / w/ special guests: MICHAEL GENDREAU + SEITZ / THEME: "The Phantom Needle"
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (www.ubuibi.org).
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (www.dfm.nu), 10 November 2013 / abundantly hosted by: A.J. PINECONE, MICHAEL MELLENDER, STEVEN CLARK, and M. WERTZ.
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (www.ubuibi.org). Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (www.dfm.nu), 8 July 2012 with Big City Orchestrae...
Gefördert von Radio Gagarin
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- klingding radio • im Studio: Jan Feddersen, Robert Engelbrecht – klub katarakt Programm 2025 • Frei 20.12. 2024 – 22 Uhr • FSK 9
- die ganze platte: Philippe Petit - A Reassuring Elsewhere, Chapter 3/Oscillations (di, 17.12.24, 13-14 uhr)
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- radio gagarin playlist vom 13.12.24
- Doctore Xyramat, 13.12.2024
- hi carlos, vielen dank fürnMaCh
- Hallo FSK! Danke für dieCarlos de Obaldia (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Johann! Hier findest DunMaCh
- Juhu, wie heißt das tolleJohann (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Stefan! danke für DeinnMaCh