
Floor-Check bei Michelle Records - wir schauen uns um im Fachgeschäft für gute Musik und wagen Rück- und Ausblicke.... im Gespräch mit Christof Jessen.
neopostpunk [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

Seit der Veröffentlichung von Walter Benjamins Fragment "Musik als Religion" gehört der Versuch, Musik als mythische Veranstaltung zu entlarven, zu den beliebteren Varianten der Musikkritik. Ein Grund dafür ist, dass Benjamins Skizze einen hermeneutischen Sinnüberschuss produziert, der dem Leser das Gefühl gibt, an einer besonders tiefsinnigen Demaskierung teilzuhaben. Musik, so Benjamins zentrale These, sei reiner Kult. Wo traditionelle Kulte jedoch entschulden würden, verschulde die Musik und treibe so die Welt in eine universale Verzweiflung. Wollen wir eigentlich gar nicht.

Playlists lassen sich unter nachschlagen, nie sofort.

jetzmann [at] web [dot] de

Wir geben wieder "Musik als kommunizierte Unkommunizierbarkeit".

jetzmann [at] web [dot] de

RadioWORM #139
aussie meat dreams of an octamole
impressions & recordings of an australian tour, june/july 2011
(by Lukas Simonis)

1 jingle 139.1
2 aussie meat dreams of an octamole
pure evil trio true till death
austin buckett breathing still
mike harris excerpt live in hobart
tralala blip - the sweetest girl
candlesnuffer simonis live in canberra excerpt
live in hobart excerpt
lloyd honeybrook - i love luci excerpt
jon rose - illigal settlement fence excerpt
abstruction - versus nature exc / abstruction excerpt
justice yeldham - shanghai excerpt
sleepville scenic views and surgery excerpt
(from international ttransistor convention wagga wagga}
perry mental versus doug snug - feel a move
(from international ttransistor convention wagga wagga}
3 jingle 139.2

compiled & edited by LG Simonis
production henk bakr. jingles by dito
contact: henk [at] wormweb [dot] nl sascha [at] wormweb [dot] nl
WORM po box 25045 / 3001 HA Rotterdam / The Netherlands WORMrec
139 (c)2011 / September 2011

Sponsored by Radio Gagarin

jetzmann [at] web [dot] de

RadioWORM #138
Summer Meditations Part 2
GRRR Jamming Squeak
An evening with two experimental crews; the X-Static Tics from Rotterdam and the Martiensgohome from Brussel, Performed and recorded at 27-05-11 at the Grrr Jamming Squeak Studio Rotterdam. Both crews performed with the sounds from the Grrr Jamming Squeak Animals database, and added an aural landscape around it, consisting of music, text, horrible noise and beautiful green sounds.
1 Jingle 138.1 (0:39)
2 Martiensgohome (Be) - Animal Zoo Movies Farm Zoo Here Zoo Videos Extreme Zoo Zoo Clips · Home Animal Farm Show Zoo Show Free - (42:20)
3 Jingle 138.2 (1:00)4 X-Static Tics (nl) - 'Animals Are Nice' (19:11)
5 Jingle 138.3 (1:51)
produced and edited by henk bakr. jingles by dito
contact: henk [at] wormweb [dot] nl sascha [at] wormweb [dot] nl
WORM po box 25045 / 3001 HA Rotterdam / The Netherlands WORMrec
138 (c)2011 / August 2011

Sponsored by Radio Gagarin

jetzmann [at] web [dot] de

Difficult Music For Difficult People is a weekly programme about all kinds of music below the radar: from Electronic to Noise to Experimental and inbetween. We have no journalistic approach to document a special scene of music in an objective way. It's all about the music and sounds that we like. Difficult Music is an association of people who are organising concerts, DJing, making and releasing music. Past episodes and playlists are available on Mixcloud ( Tune in, drop out!




Each Monday on Radio FSK

(5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

UKW 93,0 MHz \ Kabel 101,4 MHz

Live Stream


difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

Difficult Music For Difficult People is a weekly programme about all kinds of music below the radar: from Electronic to Noise to Experimental and inbetween. We have no journalistic approach to document a special scene of music in an objective way. It's all about the music and sounds that we like. Difficult Music is an association of people who are organising concerts, DJing, making and releasing music. Past episodes and playlists are available on Mixcloud ( Tune in, drop out!




Each Monday on Radio FSK

(5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

UKW 93,0 MHz \ Kabel 101,4 MHz

Live Stream


difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

Difficult Music For Difficult People is a weekly programme about all kinds of music below the radar: from Electronic to Noise to Experimental and inbetween. We have no journalistic approach to document a special scene of music in an objective way. It's all about the music and sounds that we like. Difficult Music is an association of people who are organising concerts, DJing, doing and releasing music. Tune in, drop out!


strafen für dreck und müll concerts



Each Monday on Radio FSK

(5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

UKW 93,0 MHz \ Kabel 101,4 MHz

Live Stream


difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

»Difficult Music For Difficult People« ist eine wöchentliche Sendung über abseitigere moderne Musik aller Spielarten, Genres und aller Länder – von No Wave, Postpunk, Dub über Improvisation, Hip Hop, Electronic bis Noise. Wir sind eine Assoziation von Leuten, die Konzerte organisieren, selber Musik machen oder auflegen.

Playlisten unter:
Kontakt: difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

Difficult Music For Difficult People is a weekly programme about all kinds of music below the radar: from Electronic to Noise to Experimental and inbetween. We have no journalistic approach to document a special scene of music in an objective way. It's all about the music and sounds that we like. Difficult Music is an association of people who are organising concerts, DJing, making and releasing music. Past episodes and playlists are available on Mixcloud ( Tune in, drop out!




Each Monday on Radio FSK

(5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

UKW 93,0 MHz \ Kabel 101,4 MHz

Live Stream


difficultmusic [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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