
Wir versuchen uns einen Überblick über den Fortgang der Debatte zu verschaffen...
redaktion3 [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
Wir schauen uns weiter um in den Clubs der Stadt...
neopostpunk [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
Wir schauen uns um in den Clubs der Stadt....
neopostpunk [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
Seit gut einem Jahr finden im Molotow regelmäßig einmal im Monat die FSK-Soli-DJ-Abende statt....

mehr als ein Anlaß, uns mit der Situation dieser legendären Club-Location auf der Reeperbahn zu befassen.... im Gespräch mit Andi Schmidt.

neopostpunk [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
Floor-Check bei Michelle Records - wir schauen uns um im Fachgeschäft für gute Musik und wagen Rück- und Ausblicke.... im Gespräch mit Christof Jessen.
neopostpunk [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
Quergelesen - Die Dienstagmittagsendung
redaktion3 [at] fsk-hh [dot] org
eine schwule Seifenoper zum Hören // romantic fanfiction slashing Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy

chapter 7

im Original: "Reparations" von Sara`s Girl, siehe link.

gelesen u übersetzt von k kater

“Harry dips Draco's bread into his soup and chews on it carefully. He's not sure he wants to know what Ron's thinking right now, but he's suddenly very aware of the warmth of Draco's knee where it rests against his under the table.

Not much space at these canteen tables.”

Ihr findet die früheren Folgen bei freie.radios.net als podcast.

fairies [dot] cyborgs [at] gmx [dot] net
eine schwule Seifenoper zum Hören romantic fanfiction slashing Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy

chapter 4

“The cupboard smells comfortingly of ink and paper; and disturbingly of Malfoy.

"Tell you what, Potter," Malfoy says, a speculative gleam in his eye. "If we're stuck in here, we might as well do this properly. One question for one question, ok?"

"Alright," Harry says slowly. "Are you going to answer mine, then?"

fairies [dot] cyborgs [at] gmx [dot] net
eine schwule Seifenoper zum Hören // romantic fanfiction slashing Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy

chapter 9

im Original "Reparations" by Sara`s Girl, siehe link.

übersetzt u gelesen von k kater

"Harry is still replaying the events of the afternoon as he falls into bed half-dressed. He's under no illusions about Draco's mulishness, but there had been definite thawing. And flirting. In front of his friends.

And ok, he's still thinking about it on Friday afternoon as he checks on his patients. Not in a conscious, front-of-the-mind sense, just as a pleasant feeling of warmth and pressure and finger-licking and caramel.

Harry smiles as he gently turns over Mr Diego's boneless arm and examines it. "I must say, young man," the patient remarks. "It makes a change to see such a happy face in here." Harry looks up hurriedly. Across the room, Cecile pauses in her skin healing and glances over at them. "Oh, don't mind Healer Potter's inane smile," she says cheerfully. "He's been like this all week. I wonder why."

Ihr findet die früheren Folgen bei freie.radios.net als podcast.

fairies [dot] cyborgs [at] gmx [dot] net
eine schwule Seifenoper zum Hören romantic fanfiction slashing Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy

chapter 6

"I haven't hated you for a long time, Harry," he says casually.
"Really?" Harry regards him doubtfully. "You did a pretty good job of pretending you did, only a couple of weeks ago."

Draco shakes his head slowly, as though Harry is a particularly slow child. "I said I didn't hate you, I never said I didn't find you extremely fucking irritating." The smile turns Harry's stomach over, but the words make him scowl. Apparently, nothing Draco-related can be simple.

It wouldn't be so bad, he reasons. If I weren't actually starting to like the idiot.”

fairies [dot] cyborgs [at] gmx [dot] net

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