Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.67 vom 05.01.2019 06:00-09:00 Uhr

TimeOut Musikschleife No.67 - 05.01.2019 06:00-09:00 Uhr

Artist Titel Label
PHOENICIAN DRIVE almadraba exag' records
BOOM PAM alakazam boom pam
BABA ZULA worried leaf/efkârli yaprak essay recordings
CORNERSHOP who fingered rock 'n' roll ampla
KURT BAKER COMBO gotta move it wicked cool records
GIUDA yellow dash damaged goods
SPIDERS lonely nights spinefarm records
MONSTER MAGNET want some napalm records
BELLRAYS whole lotta love u&media
KEL ASSOUF tenere glitterbeat
TINARIWEN timadrit in sahara play it again sam
CAN outside my door teldec
STOOGES 1969 elektra
EDGAR BROUGHTON BAND out demons out (live) trikont
DEEP PURPLE speed king (live) emi
HIGWAY ROBBERY fifteen teldec
WIGWAM must be the devil love records

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