AUSFLUG 3.2.25 Trump und Indigenous Americans

Din of silence for The Indigenous Children Timothy Archambault
We Are the Halluci Nation (feat. John Trudel & Northern Voice) A Tribe Called Red
Uja Tanya Tagaq
Suplex A Tribe Called Red
Fracking Tanya Tagaq
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Ennio Morricone (Laeiszhalle)
The Fascist (Theme) Ennio Morricone
For A Few Dollars More (Theme) Ennio Morricone
Permanent Part 1 Katharina Grosse, Carina Khorkhordina, Tintin Patrone, Billy Roisz, Stefan Schneider (Tintin Patrone in der Hörbar)
I Know you are but what am I? Mogwai (Grosse Freiheit 36)

> Fr., 07.02.2025 18:30 UhrRote Flora, Achidi-John-Platz 1
Was tun in Zeiten des Krieges? Austausch zu antimilitaristischer Praxis

The War Racket Buffy Sainte Marie

> Fr., Black Poetry Night / Afterparty 7.2. , 21.00 h Nachtasyl
Performers: David Odiase, Cucuteni, Jennifer Garnatz, Elaine Thompson und mehr …

Dangerous Women Tenesha The Wordsmith
Vocal Layer of Pandemic Doom (Dedicated to All the Loved Ones We've Lost) Fay Victor
Decay Monolake (Elbphil)
When You Say FACS (MS Stubnitz)

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