Jazz oder nie, 5.9.; Tracklist: Chicago

1. Gil Melle: Wild Fire; The Andromeda Strain (Soundtrack)
2. Exploding Star Orchestra: Awaken the World; Galaxy Parables Vol.1
3. Exploding Star Orchestra: Sting Ray and the beginning of Time,
Pt.3: Psycho, Tropic, Electric; We are all from somewhere else
4. Exploding Star Orchestra: Entrances/Two; Bill Dixon with the
Exploding Star Orchestra
5. Chicago Underground Quartet: Blow up; Playground
6. Robert Barry/Fred Anderson: Bouncing; Duets 2001
7. Chicago Underground Duo: Access and Enlightment; Axis and En-
8. Chicago Underground Duo: Age of Energy; Age of Energy
9. Chicago Underground Trio: Slon; Slon
10.Pharoah and the Underground: Spiral Mercury; Pharoah and the
11.Sao Paulo Underground: Afrihouse; Sauna: Um, dois, tres
12.The Rob Mazurek Quintet: As if an angel fell from the sky; Sound
13.Chicago Underground Quartet: Orgasm; Good days

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