SkaTime No.138 23.12.2017 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
DR. RING DING have yourself a merry little cristmas pork pie
BUSTERS the best of times ska revolution records
BUSTERS always and evermore ska revolution records
REGGAEDEMMI ska zurück dubtari records
REGGAEDEMMI feat. Filou chill mal dubtari records
ALEX BASS & THE SAME SONG BAND good mood kasba music
ALEX BASS & THE SAME SONG BAND keep dem talking kasba music
ELI BENJOMA lilly soulfire artist
AMPARANOIA feat. Joan Garriga I Martinez hacer dinero calaverita music
LADY JAY propaganda kasba music
AINA MORE girls killing it kasba music
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
BAD MANNERS my girl lollipop (extended lick mix) pressure drop
HEAVYBALL smalltown boy magnetic north melodies
BAD MANNERS exodus pressure drop
BAD MANNERS walking in the sunshine pressure drop
BAD MANNERS black night pork pie
OFFENDERS boots & braces (don't mean racist) destiny records
NH3 fest. Los Fastidios & Red Ska against racism mad butcher records
NH3 bella ciao long beach records
NH3 police an my back mad butcher records
UNLIMITED CULTURE feat. Tóke police unlimited culture
BUSTERS ALL STARS christmas time again pressure drop
Playlist SkaTime No.138 vom 23.12.2017 18:00-19:30 Uhr
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