Introduction: Welcome to a new episode of recycling here at FSK Hamburg. [Before we start I would ask you to donate for the FSK, because with the forthcoming relocation of the FSK it is import that we get more money.] This will be the first time recycling is in English, this is because off our todays guest. He is a – I hope it is okay to say that – he is a victim off the German refugee policy. He lives in a refugee camp here in Germany. In the following program I want to ask him about his experiences in the camp. I think this is very important that the refugees speak for themselves and can make their own experiences public here in Germany. Because most off the time Germans speak about them without noticing their needs and opinions. Refugees are in this point of view only objectivated and object no subjects for the German policy. And there starts the problems. I hope the following program should be a first step in understanding and analyzing life in a refugee camp and the problems this unworthily situation brings.
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Hallo Liebes FSK Ich habe
Hallo Liebes FSK
Ich habe am Montag Abend zufälliger weise eure Tolle Sendung Recycling gehört.Besonders Inressant fand ich das Interview mit der Juristin...Die zum Thema Asyl und Anrecht auf Asyl in Deutschland bzw.Europa eine kleine Rechtsberatung gegeben hatt. Ich selber arbeite als Sozialarbeiterin mit Roma und Sinti Familien zusammen und fand es gut das Ihr dem "Thema Sinti und Roma" eine Stimme gegeben habt.
Weiter so
Lila Wolke