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electronic music of different places
RadioWORM 105 radio edit
November 2008
1 jingle (0:45)
2 Ralf - arribadada (4:36) *
3 Criadero En Seres – los (5:06) **
4 Los Siquicos Literaleños – mas eq (0:30) ***
5 Mother Day – el día llegó (2:28) ****
6 Minimalista pais – discurso pretoriano (2:03) +
7 jingle (0:18)
8 Pinkler/Reche - sin tintulo (6:22) ++
9 Minimalista pais – aziago (3:25) +
10 Los Siquicos Literaleños – momento de reflexión (0:51) ***
11 Punto Smock – un vals para los niños (2:19) *
12 Chancha Via Circuito – bosques via Temperley ft Kumbha Kethu (4:38) #
13 Jingle (0:15)
14 Nebel Dots – époco (2:32) ^
15 Azur – la emperatriz (5:46) ^^
16 El Remolón – Guajira (4:44) ^^^
17 unknown chamame band (2:00) ~
18 Alan Courtis - walkman in a freezer (5:07)
19 El Remolón - cumbia bichera feat Pablo Lescano (3:57) ^^^
20 Jingle (0:29)
21 unknown marching band – untitled (2:08) ~
22 Bernardo Machaque – untitled (1:50) ~
* taken from 'Recopilación Octubre 2007' (Mun Discos)
** taken from 'Asilo de heteronimos'
*** taken from 'Rancho Rocha Tapes Vol. 3: Ranchito Free'
**** taken from 'compilacion Mainumby' (Mainumby)
+ taken from s/t (Mainumby)
++ taken from 'Debajo' (Fuga)
# taken from 'ZZK sound vol. 1' (ZZK)
^ taken from 'Funda Mental Mente' (Mainumby)
^^ taken from 'El etorno interludio' (Mainumby)
^^^ taken from 'Pibe Cosmo' (ZZK)
~ taken from Chulengo 013
production and editing: henk bakker
preproduction and compilation: sascha roth
jingles: henk bakr
contact: henk [at] wormweb [dot] nl or sascha [at] wormweb [dot] nl
WORM po box 25045 / 3001 HA Rotterdam / The Netherlands
WORMrec 105 (c)2008 / November 2008
all featured music used with kind permission from the artists
many thanks to: Nicolas Valiente, Manuel & Gustavo (Mun Discos), Nicola Los Siquicos, Ismael Pinkler, Pablo Reche, Alan Courtis and Grant (Zizek).
Sponsored by Radio Gagarin
jetzmann [at] web [dot] de
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