2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
This recording happened through a misunderstanding because of the different time-zones on this world. First time Big City Orchestra (with DaS and NiNaH) asked ANY, Malte Steiner,Marc Wilson and myself, Ohmnoise, to take part in their UB-Radio-Salon No. 247 in Berlin / Germany on the 7/8 October 2012. We needed some minutes to recognize that we were one hour to early to broadcast via the internet-radio and stopped this recording to restart it again for the final broadcasting of - And that is the reason for the title "The Broken Berlin Session"
UB Radio Salon #845 - 530 am... 24 March 2024 on DFM.2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
UB Radio Salon #845 - Netcast on DFM Radio TV International ( DFM RTV INT • 24 MARCH 2024 • 530 am... (sounds from AM radio frequencies) on
2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
UB Radio Salon #862 - Netcast on DFM Radio TV International ( DFM RTV INT • 21 JULY 2024 • feat. improvised sounds by Illusion of Safety (Dan Burke) + Big City Orchestrae (pxe, dAs)
2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
UB Radio Salon #862 - Netcast on DFM Radio TV International ( DFM RTV INT • 21 JULY 2024 • feat. improvised sounds by Illusion of Safety (Dan Burke) + Big City Orchestrae (pxe, dAs)
2-hours of live improvised experimental radio sound-art broadcast live from the Chakra Chimp Research Kitchens of Northern California-land.
UB Radio Salon #853 - The Night (Alone) Part 3 featuring the Fourth Sunday Players: univac, Austin Rich, dAs, pxe. Netcast on DFM Radio TV International ( DFM RTV INT • 19 MAY 2024 • experimental sound session... on
UBRadio Salon #372 - DFM netcast 1 March 2015
UBRadio Salon #370 - DFM netcast 15 February 2015 2-hours of l
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks wing you Big City Orchestrae UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 1 March 2015 / with special guests: MOE! STAIANO, DUCKMANDU and MICHAEL MELLENDER / Theme: FINNEGAN'S CLOWN.
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 22 February 2015 / with special guests: CLOUD SHEPHERD.
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 8 February 2015 / THEME: The Nomadic Impermanence of Sound.... with BCO.
Online hören
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- Solche Sätze sagen "Nach dem Anschlag in Magdeburg fiel die Weihnachtsfeier kurzfristig aus."
- Kommentar gelöscht -
- klingding radio • im Studio: Jan Feddersen, Robert Engelbrecht – klub katarakt Programm 2025 • Frei 20.12. 2024 – 22 Uhr • FSK 9
- die ganze platte: Philippe Petit - A Reassuring Elsewhere, Chapter 3/Oscillations (di, 17.12.24, 13-14 uhr)
- Document: "Pressemitteilung vom Solidaritätskreis Justice4Mouhamed, anlässlich der Großdemonstration zum Prozessende"
- Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 13.12.24
- radio gagarin playlist vom 13.12.24
- Doctore Xyramat, 13.12.2024
- hi carlos, vielen dank fürnMaCh
- Hallo FSK! Danke für dieCarlos de Obaldia (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Johann! Hier findest DunMaCh
- Juhu, wie heißt das tolleJohann (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Stefan! danke für DeinnMaCh