Pussy Riot

The Female Pressure Radio Show, Playlist, 13.12.2013

Xyramat - Open the doors for all Pussy Riots - femalepressure.bandcamp.com
AGF - Ice Breaker - femalepressure.bandcamp.com
Jujujus - Filter - minina.com
Oak -The Temple - minina.com
Maile Colbert - Act One Begin f - mailecolbert.com
Sk3amy - Keeping you there - female.pressure.bandcamp.com
Pussy Cherie - N.o. Time - soundcloud.com/pussycherie/n-o-time
Lila D. - Right dream - signaldeluxe.wix.com/signaldeluxe
Max Cooper f. Kathrin deBoer – Adrift - www.kathrindeboer.com/
Zabelka, Mani, Lunch - Mystical Psychosis - monotyperecords.com

The Female Pressure Radio Show, 13.12.2013 ab 23 Uhr

The Female Pressure Radio Show hosted by Xyramat (soundcloud.com/xyramat ….)

23:00 – 12:00 (Thirteen hours with music of female artists)

Special Guests: JUJUJUS, Minina Music

Special Interest: FEMALE:PRESSURE – PUSSY RIOT FREEDOM COMPILATION – Please check: femalepressure.bandcamp.com

Playlist: 23:00 – 01:00 Tracks and special guests:

nMaCh supports

chinese ghosts and fairytales
glaubensferne cocktailparty - soli für gefährdetes gebälk & pussy riot
brass_balkan_indiefolk by APU
die polyphonen knabenchorschwuchteln
last walz on mars: walzerprogramm ohne standart
80er & 2/4takt coldwave&gruft, tecnoid-elektro by neueMusikausChina

my gender is batman - dress up and be a ghostfordemons loving sickwithsad happyphoenix from outerspace or sixfeetunder - no dresscode eccentric outfit welcome -

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