Difficult Music for Difficult People
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
You were only waiting for this moment to arise. DJ Rashad, Anders Brørby, Chris Abrahams, D.N.P, Ten Hours Of Drone (Leeds), Dalhous, Puce Mary, Hex, Lolina and Simon Shreeve.
Tune in, drop out!
Thur., 14 April 2016 @ Kampnagel
Music From High Wires #3
Live: Weisser Westen (Angela Fette & Phillip Schulze, Düsseldorf)
DJ: Alison Yip
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
Watching you watch others move. Right places. And someone cracks down. Babyfather, Nisennenmondai, AJ Cornell & Tim Darcy, Ash Koosha, Dedekind Cut, Drvg Cvltvre, Gnod, Peder Mannerfelt, Metrist, Chemiefaserwerk and Reaction Power Trio.
Tune in, drop out!
Thur. 7 April 2016 @ Turtur
All Of Us!
w/ Rodion Levin, Jeremy Liar, JeDi b2b Coco
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
This music of yours. A manifestation of the highest energy — not at all abstract, but without an object, energy in a void, in pure ether — where else in the universe does such a thing appear? Today you can listen to both sides of the new VIS tape by Christoph De Babalon and Nina. Plus Pere Ubu, Blawan, Low Jack and David Wallraf.
More VIS: https://v-i-s.bandcamp.com
Tune in, drop out!
Fri., 1 April 2016 @ Rote Flora
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
Distance in a straight line has no mystery. The mystery is in the sphere. Consumer Electronics, Ford Foster, Lumigraph, Takahiro Mukai, Ulli Bomans, Wolf Eyes, Stig Inge, Immix Ensemble & Vessel, Best Available Technology, Nicola Ratti, Sophia Loizou, Sølyst, Vadermoert and Istari Lasterfahrer.
Tune in, drop out!
Fri., 25 March 2016 @ Molotow
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. Grand Malheur, Elektronische Existenz, Perfume Advert, Basic House, Phork, Polysick, Donato Dozzy, eMMplekz, Inhalants, Sacred Tapestry and The Orb.
Tune in, drop out!
Fri., 18 March 2016 @ Golem
DJs: Chinchi & Lina
Sat., 19 March 2016 @ Rote Flora
Difficult Music : E.K.G \ F#X Live (Mon. \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is counting. Two lectures by E.K.G and F#X. Join us at FSK studio 1 (Eimsbütteler Chaussee 21).
Educational material: 999usd
Tune in, drop out!
Thur., 10 March 2016 @ Whiskey Bar
Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)
It's only themselves they're wanting to see. And you and I we sit and hum. We know something's got to come. Black Zone Myth Chant, Gunnar Haslam, Ipek Gorgun, Surgeon, Declan Randulph Owen, Basic House, Missing Organs, Mats Erlandsson, Norin, Scheich in China and CTF.
Tune in, drop out!
Tue., 1 March 2016 @ Rote Flora
Live: The Eye Of Time, David Wallraf
Difficult Music : PSP – Die Welt ist nicht genug (Live)
Radio is an enemy, a ruthless enemy marching irresistibly forward, and any resistance is hopeless. Exactly! Today there will be a live concert by PSP – DIE WELT IST NICHT GENUG (Ex-Piratensender Powerplay). You can vist us at FSK Studio 1, Eimsbütteler Chaussee 21. Also some music by Kerridge, Nørthern Pøwerhøuse, zeitkratzer & Keiji Haino, Black Zone Myth Chant and DJ Stingray.
Tune in, drop out!
FSK Soliparty: ALWAYS CRASHING (20.2.16 \ Rote Flora)
Always Crashing #1
Sa., 20.2.16 \ Rote Flora / 23 Uhr
RUN DUST (Tesla, Opal Tapes, In Paradisum)
MADAM I’M ADAM (Open Mind)
HARDY (Otaku Records)
Soli-Party für den Umzug
des Freien Sender Kombinat (FSK)
Epic Problem Entertainment & Difficult Music
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