Playlist TimeOut vom 26.06.2024 This is Pop No. 132 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 26.06.2024 This is Pop No. 132 17-19:00 Uhr FSK 93,0MHz

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
BAD RELIGION streets in america sony music
BAD RELIGION change of ideas (live) sony music
HELLGREASER leader of the lost boys sunny bastards records
PRESS CLUB I can change hassle records
BRAZEN trialog re-echo records
MDOU MOCTAR oh france matador records
ANTIKAROSHI gravity exile on mainstream
HIGH QUALITY GIRLS unterschicht fidel bastro
SUBHUMANS get out of my way bluurg records
ERNTE 77 turmbau zu sülz rookie records
FORNHORST vielen dank für deine angst d.i.y.
USUAL BOYS I want what you have usual boys
SISSIES bruce lee ihm sein grab waxlife records
NICHTSEATTLE frau sein staatsakt
XTC TimeOut Jingle/real by reel virgin records
DESCENDENTS you make me sick epitaph
SCHEISSE MINELLI mistake street destiny records
DESCENDENTS sailor's choice epitaph
DESCENDENTS wendy (live) sst records
DESCENDENTS I wanna be a bear (live) sst records
GIRLS IN SYNTHESIS lights out own it
AKNE KID JOE self-titled kidnap music
AKNE KID JOE lass die band auflösen, aber vorher noch ein weihnachtsalbum rausbringen kidnap music
RULES OF THIS GAME just enough sunny bastards
RULES OF THIS GAME I'm not a fool sunny bastards
GAS WASSER INDIEPOP 20 jahre in der werbung broken silence records
GAS WASSER INDIEPOP autobiogaphie eines heizlüfters broken silence records
PEARL HARBOUR you're in trouble again liberation hall
PEARL HARBOUR do your homework liberation hall
ATSE TEWODROS PROJECT set nat galileo music communication
Lösung Gewinnspiel: Beach Boys: wendy

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