TimeOut Musikschleife No.41 - 05.07.2014 06:00-12:00 Uhr
Artist titel label
B-52'S debbie reprise records
BLONDIE one way or another emi
T-REX jeepster cube records
STRAY CATS rock this town arista
RUTS babylon's burning virgin records
ANTI SOCIAL WORKERS england (is a name for a piece of
land and a football team) ariwa
CHEFS 24 hours damaged goods
TALKING HEADS road to nowhere emi
PANTEÓN ROCOCÓ gangsters unter schafen records
SUGARCUBES speed is the king one little indian
KILLDOZER grandma smith said a curious thing touch & go
GIRLS AGAINST BOYS kicking the lights jade tree
P.I.L. think thank virgin records
PERE UBU vacuum in my head cooking vinyl
BOMB PARTY in this land artlos rec
BLUE FOR TWO catch me ediesta records
GAVIN FRIDAY & THE MAN SEEZER man of misfortune island records
BARRY ADAMSON can't get loose mute records
BELLRAYS blue against the sky anodyne records
FLIPRON superstition has it's uses tiny dog records
SANDA WEIGL anii mei si tineretea oriente musik
Playlist TimeOut Musikschleife No.41 - 05.07.2014 04:00-12:00 Uhr
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