Playlist TimeOut – 24.11.2021 TimeOut This is Pop No. 105

TimeOut – 24.11.2021 TimeOut This is Pop No. 105 FSK 93,0MHz 17-19.00 Uhr

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
TORTILLA FLAT ca plane pour moi tortilla flat
TORTILLA FLAT trumped up tortilla flat
PETER & THE TEST TUBES BABIES let‘s burn captain oi
PETER & THE TEST TUBES BABIES facebook loser arising empire
***Mo. 20.12. PETER & THE TEST TUBE BABIES Knust
WONK UNIT teresa kidnap music
WONK UNIT bloodstains kidnap music
WONK UNIT I‘m ok kidnap music
WONK UNIT disco fever kidnap music
IDLES the new sensation partisan records
IDLES wizz partisan records
MUSLIMS illegals epitaph
MUSLIMS hands up, don‘t shoot epitaph
MUSLIMS crotch pop a cop epitaph
MANTAR dynasty of nails nuclear blast
***Do. 16.12. MANTAR Knust
3 METER FELDWEG was uns bewegt dackelton records
***Sa. 11.12. 3 METER FELDWEG Knust
SHATTEN löcher im himmel rookie records
***So. 19.12. SHATTEN Molotow
GRUNDEIS vain undressed records
***Fr. 17.12. 30 Jahre Molotow, 8 Bands u.a. GRUNDEIS
DAS BLANKE EXTREM das zeitalter der fische flight 13 records
EL MARIACHI fexy future sabotage records
EL MARIACHI schadlos halten! sabotage records
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
LYGO feuerzeug kidnap music
LYGO kommentarspalte kidnap music
THULSA DOOM endless, unless drabant music
WHITE TRASH BLUES BAND clean up your life blues for the red sun
WHITE TRASH BLUES BAND I forgot how to feel blues for the red sun
TRUFFAUTS sad/glad tp9 records
TRUFFAUTS when the tide goes out tp9 records
JESUS & MARY CHAIN always sad artificial plastic records
***Do. 02.12. JESUS & MARY CHAIN Fabrik
FISCHER-Z choose so-real
FISCHER-Z romance can last forever so-real
DELWOOD ultimate honest house
KASPAR BAUM blindfolded kaspar baum
MRZONKI reklama antena krzyku
MRZONKI nargsowany antena krzyku
BRIDGE CITY SINNERS departed flail records
KAMIKAZE QUEENS 3 strikes sounds of subterrania

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