SkaTime xxl No.159 26.10.2019 17:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS a message to you rudy chrysalis
LORD LEBBY sweet jamaica trojan records
COUNT OWEN under the mango tree trojan records
LAUREL AITKEN calypso rock n roll fantastic voyage
SIR HORACE & HIS MERRY KNIGHTS mambo jamaica fantastic voyage
ROBERT MITCHUM jean and dinah rev-ola
LAUREL AITKEN boogie in my bones pressure drop
BLUES BUSTERS there's always sunshine soul jazz records
MONTY & THE CYCLONES summertime soul jazz records
GRANVILLE WILLIAMS ORCHESTRA honky tonk ska trojan records
JIMMY CLIFF miss jamaica fantastic voyage
DERRICK MORGAN the hop fantastic voyage
JUSTIN HINDS carry go bring home trojan records
SKATALITES lucky seven tcd
DON DRUMMOND silver dollar tcd
ROY PANTON & YVONNE HARRISON danger liquidator music
ROY PANTON & YVONNE HARRISON two roads before you liquidator music
ROY & YVONNE moving on liquidator music
PHOENIX CITY ALL-STARS one step beyond phoenix city records
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
JAHCOUSTIX calling for rights irievibrations records
JAHCOUSTIX kings of democracy irievibrations records
DOCTOR KRÁPULA democracy t3 records
PANTEÓN ROCOCÓ democracia fecal unter schafen records
DESORDEN PÚBLICO political criminal leech records
LA PEGATINA miranda kasba music
LA PEGATINA la negra kasba music
CHICO TRUJILLO & Wiracocha & R. Gonzáles antillano off ya tree records
TOMMY TORNADO & THE CLERKS back on track tommy tornado & the clerks
TOMMY TORNADO & THE CLERKS feat. KING DJANGO lively stroll tommy tornado & the clerks
TOMMY TORNADO & THE CLERKS the flame (dub) tommy tornado & the clerks
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
NOUVELLE VAGUE so lonely play it again sam
ESKALATION all different, all equal! eskalation
SCHROTTGRENZE alles zerpflücken tapete records
SPECIALS friday night, saturday morning bbc music
RUTS jah war caroline
NOUVELLE VAGUE mirror in the bathroom kawaidan records
DESORDEN PÚBLICO city of the dead r.p.s.
CLASH pressure drop columbia
RANCID time bomb semaphone
ANTINATIONAL BASS CREW hard times coming uga uga tapes
ANTINATIONAL BASS CREW looting (edit) uga uga tapes
Lösung Gewinnspiel:
Playlist SkaTime XXL No.159 vom 26.10.2019 17:00-19:30 Uhr
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- hi! danke für's feedback!nMaCh
- Gewinner*in Kartenverlosungskatime
- 20.2. 9-10 zwischendurchChri (nicht überprüft)
- danke! das freut "die ganzenMaCh
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