Playlist SkaTime vom 22.11.08

SkaTime No.34 18:00-19:00 Uhr 22.11.2008 FSK 93,0MHz
artist titel label
SPECIALS Intro/Message to you chrysalis
MORGAN HERRITAGE politician vp records
STURM, SEBASTIAN invitation rubin records
STAN OR ITCHY looking back flat daddy records
LA CHERGA don't go this way asphalt tango records
K-MOB valley of rain elmo records
ANALOGUE MINDFIELD be careful out there malicious damage records
POLICE IN DUB roxanne each beach
SPECIALS Jingle/Message to you
MONKEEMAN town of the lost rookie records
OPEN SEASON out of a clear sky leech records
SKATOONS pipi langstrumpf wolverine records
STEEL PULSE jah pickney - r.a.r. trojan records
MALA SUERTE ramon anr music & more
LOS CALZONES la mezquindad emi odeon
ANTWERP GIPSY-SKA ORKESTRA duy beren evil penguin records
44 LENINGRAD abendgruß amadis

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