SkaTime No. 209 25.05.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
artist titel label
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
BABYLOVE & THE VAN DANGOS black cars, black hearts pork pie
BABYLOVE & THE VAN DANGOS couldn’t write a song pork pie
BABYLOVE & THE VAN DANGOS friday night, saturday night pork pie
UTOPIANS I was wrong badasonic records
UTOPIANS lightning love badasonic records
SKASSAPUNKA sto ancora aspettando maldito records
SKASSAPUNKA born to learn maldito records
SKASSAPUNKA our day maldito records
INTERRUPTERS so wrong hellcat records
INTERRUPTERS she got arrested hellcat records
HEPTONES babylon falling trojan records
UPSETTERS version trojan records
SPECIALS SkaTime Intro/Message to you chrysalis
SKATALITES & LAUREL AITKEN come down (live) pressure drop
GLADIATORS you were to be doctor bird
CHOPPER FRANKLIN the scorpion says dub ratchet blade records
CHOPPER FRANKLIN you can’t drown your sorrow in blood dub ratchet blade records
CHOPPER FRANKLIN blood, tears & thunder ratchet blade records
DAKKA SKANKS life officer dakka skanks music
DAKKA SKANKS thirteen dakka skanks music
NOUVELLE VAGUE should I stay or should I go? kwaidan records
ATSE TEWODROS PROJECT hendeke galileo music communication
HILLBILLY MOON EXPLOSION jackson (feat. Mark „Sparky“ Philips) clouds hill
Playlist SkaTime No.209 vom 25.05.2024 18:00-19:30 Uhr
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- skatime
- Chri (nicht überprüft)
- Martha (nicht überprüft)
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