01 Summer Begins - Lonely Leary - Through the Park, Almost There [2018]
02 Arsonist - Lonely Leary - Through the Park, Almost There [2018]
03 愿意相信谁 ? ("Wem bist Du bereit zu glauben?") - S.C.O.D. - Speak Chinese Or Die [2018]
04 Gao Caca - S.C.O.D. - Speak Chinese Or Die [2018]
05 城管 Vs 洛奇 巴布亚 ("UMALE gegen Rocky Balboa") - S.C.O.D. - Speak Chinese Or Die [2018]
06 Bo Xi Lai 勃起来 - S.C.O.D. - Speak Chinese Or Die [2018]
07 七个不要讲 ("Die sieben Themen diskutieren wir nicht") - S.C.O.D. - Speak Chinese Or Die [2018]
08 Who's The Causer - Kill Tomorrow - Beijing Rejects: Voices of Beijing Punk & Oi [2004]
09 Come On Rebel - The Turmoil - Beijing Rejects: Voices of Beijing Punk & Oi [2004]
10 Turmoil In The China - The Turmoil - Beijing Rejects: Voices of Beijing Punk & Oi [2004]
11 Proud Of The Way - MiSanDao - Proud Of The Way [2005]
12 Happy Man - Last Chance of Youth - Crime!! [2004]
13 Red Riot - Last Chance of Youth - Crime!! [2004]
14 Kill The Leader - The Unsafe - Beijing Rejects: Voices of Beijing Punk & Oi [2004]
15 Follow The Leader 跟随 - The Unsafe - 朋克宣言 What's Punk [2004]
16 我不在乎 ("Mir egal") - Another Idea - Another Idea [2003]
17 别让年轻的感觉消失 ("Lass das Gefühl der Jugend nicht verschwinden") - Another Idea - 别让年轻的感觉消失 [2005]
18 Look At The Mess - The Believers - Fuck The Red Land [2004]
19 Stupid Idiot Politician - The Believers - Fuck The Red Land [2004]
20 Judy is a Punk | Go straight | ? - SMZB - SMZB @ Lobusch 20.04.2007 [2007]
21 紅色中国/You Can Not Cheat Youth Anymore Red China/You Can Not Cheat Youth Anymore - Shit Dog - Burning Youth [2002]
22 炸弾 Bombs - Shit Dog - Burning Youth [2002]
23 别放棄 ("Gib nicht auf") - Stay Gold - Taiwan Punk We're Coming [2006]
24 Close Your Eyes Open Your Mind - Stay Gold - Taiwan Punk We're Coming [2006]
25 青春歲月 ("Jugendjahre") - Semiconductor 半導體樂團 - 青春 ("Jugend") [2007]
26 謊言("Lügen") - Duct Tape大力膠 - Duct Tape大力膠 [2007]
27 禁忌 Oi Oi Oi Anarchy - Anarchy Boys 无政府主义男孩 - Oi 来自18岁的声音 Oi The Sound From Teenage [2002]
28 没有自由的脑袋 A Head Without Freedom - Anarchy Boys 无政府主义男孩 - Oi 来自18岁的声音 Oi The Sound From Teenage [2002]
29 对你的生活喊Oi Say Oi To Your Life! - Anarchy Boys 无政府主义男孩 - Oi 来自18岁的声音 Oi The Sound From Teenage [2002]
30 Stay Ugly - Lonely Leary - Through the Park, Almost There [2018]
31 Unfinished Song - Lonely Leary - Through the Park, Almost There [2018]
nMaCh – Playlist vom 25.09.2018: September
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- hi! danke für's feedback!nMaCh
- Gewinner*in Kartenverlosungskatime
- 20.2. 9-10 zwischendurchChri (nicht überprüft)
- danke! das freut "die ganzenMaCh
- Toller Sender! Und tollerMartha (nicht überprüft)