die ganze platte: rsn - indistincion/attenuation circuit (di, 28.05.24, 13-14 uhr)

A new addition to the attenuation circuit roster, rsn is a sound-aesthetic project in the field of tension between drone and ambient, which explores surfaces and depths in space. The music resembles handmade sound sculptures that build, shift and dissolve in the moment. It is the solo project of Thomas Rosen, operator of the boutique tape label momentarily records. He has been performing live with his band [ B O L T ] since 2011.
The simultaneous release of two full-length albums marks the appearance of rsn on attenuation circuit. Obviously, long duration is of crucial importance for inducing the meditative states made possible by microtonal drones, so listening to both albums in a row – perhaps even listening to both simultaneously? – is absoutely justified. Like natural phenomena such as waves, waterfalls, and weather, this music goes on and on, always there but never quite the same, always in stasis yet constantly moving. With rsn, attenuation circuit introduces listeners to a composer of super-intense deep drone music which is bound to even satisfy fans of luminaries such as Phill Niblock and Eliane Radigue.

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