Jazz oder nie am 4.5.24: Festivals; Tracklist

1. Editrix: Four; live in Boston
2. Jaki Liebezeit/Burnt Friedman: 182-11; live
3. Amirtha Kidambi´s Elder Ones: Decolonize the Mind
4. Bill Nace/ Virginia Genta@Ibeam 2016
5. Conny Bauer: Hokus Pokus; Hummelsummen
6. Nduduzo Makhathini: live @ Louis Armstrong Museum
7. Satoko Fujii Quartet: The sun in a moonlighz night; Vulcan
8. Satoko Fujii Quartet: LH fast; Vulcan
9. Klare/Corteyn/Nebel/Blamberg: Livigno; tunnel+meadow
10.The Lounge Lizards: Epistrophy; The Lounge Lizards
11.NDOX Electrique: Sam Sa Nga Mboro; live
12.Angelika Niescier/Alexander Hawkins: Nexus; Soul in Plain Sight
13.Danny Fox Trio: Time took care of it
14.Jambinai: @Tiny Desk
15.Yagi/Lerheim/Arntzen/Honda: Dust Devil; Live at Akata No Mise
16.No Safety: Post Nature; Spill
17.Nubyan Twist: So mi stay

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