Jazz oder nie am 3.2.24: Vermischtes; Tracklist

1. Steven Bernstein´s Sex Mob: Fletcher Henderson; The hard way
2. chuff Drone: NoNoLoLo; re:actio
3. Matana Roberts, Sam Shalabi, Nicolas Caloia: Anatase; Feldspar
4. John Coltrane Quartet: Naima; Favorites Revisited
5. John Coltrane Quartet: A Love Supreme: Resolution; Favorites rev.
6. Joel Ross: Doxology (Hope); The Fable of the Poet
7. Makaya McCraven: In these times; In these times
8. Wadada Leo Smith, Milford Graves: Nyoto Pt.1; Sacred Ceremonies
9. Wadada Leo Smith, Bill Laswell, Milford Graves: Truth in expan-
sion; Sacred Ceremonies
10.Thelonious Monk: Straight no Chaser; Monk in Tokyo
11.Skip James: Devil got my woman; Rolling Stone Sampler Rare Traxx
12.Matana Roberts: For they do not know; Coin Coin #5: In the garden
13.Das Kondensat: Impromptu#4; Andere Planeten
14.Sylvie Courvoisier: Le pavot rouge; Chimaera
15.Meira Asher: Shahid 1; Spears into hooks

Filmempfeehlung: Thelonious Monk, American Composer

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