die ganze platte: Uruk - The Great Central Sun/Ici, d´alleurs (Di, 23.01.2024, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "Uruk is an experimental music duo founded in 2016 by two unclassifiable musicians : Thighpaulsandra & Massimo Pupillo.
Thighpaulsandra (Timothy Lewis) is a multi-instrumentalist musician, having participated in numerous Coil albums, in particular the masterpieces 'Musick to Play in the Dark' and 'Astral Disaster'. He also joined Jason Pierce's band Spiritualized for a US live tour, including the famous "Live at the Albert Hall, Let It Come Down". Massimo Pupillo is best known as the bassist of Zu, an Italian jazzcore trio, with whom he has produced more than fifteen albums as well as several solo albums and collaborations, notably with Dälek, David Chalmin or on the recent This Immortal Coil. Massimo Pupillo is an eclectic musician, collaborating in many projects, ranging from jazz to improvisation, passing through avant-garde and noise. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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