archive & augenzeugen: Randy Greif - Golden Joy Club/Tribe Tapes (Di, 07.11.2023, 14:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "Gaining prominence during the 1980s home recording movement, Randy Greif has built a devoted following over the years for his unorthodox compositional style. On his early tapes, industrial and dark ambient textures are melded with cinematic song structure more akin to the most wildly experimental of post-punk acts. “Golden Joy Club”, first released as a cassette in 1986, is a well-known highlight of this era. Transferred from its original master tape and newly restored for CD by Grant Richardson, the album now serves as a perfect introduction to Greif's body of work. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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