die ganze platte: Xiu Xiu - Ignore Grief/Bandcamp (Di, 03.10.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Am 04.10.23 spielen Xiu Xiu auf kampnagel und haben mit "Ignore Grief" ein astreines industrial album veröffentlicht. Hier nochmal wikipedia: "Xiu Xiu (/ˈʃuːʃuː/ SHOO-shoo)[1] is an American experimental rock band, formed in 2002 by singer-songwriter Jamie Stewart in San Jose, California. Currently, the line-up consists of multi-instrumentalists Stewart (the only constant member since formation), Angela Seo, and percussionist David Kendrick. The band's name comes from the film Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl, which has influenced the sound of their music, according to Stewart. ..."
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