Playlist TimeOut – This is Pop No. 123 vom 23.08.2023 17:00-19:00 Uhr

TimeOut – 23.08.2023 This is Pop No. 123 17-19:00 Uhr FSK 93,0MHz

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
ÖSTRO 430 alte männer tapete records
ÖSTRO 430 gegen den strom tapete records
HAK BAKER watford's burning (connie constance skit) hak attack records
HAK BAKER brotherhood hak attack records
HAK BAKER I don't know hak attack records
HAK BAKER telephones 4 eyes hak attack records
HAK BAKER windrush baby hak attack records
HAK BAKER collateral cause hak attack records
WRECKLESS ERIC the old versailies tapete records
WRECKLESS ERIC drag time tapete records
PUBLIC IMAGE LTD. being stupid again pil official
PUBLIC IMAGE LTD. dirty murky delight pil official
PUBLIC IMAGE LTD. strange pil official
BUBONIX paid out with hate rookie records/kidnap music
RISKEE & THE RIDICULE obsession rookie records/kidnap music
BUBONIX affensauna rookie records/kidnap music
RISKEE & THE RIDICULE how I feel ring of fire records
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
CYANIDE PILLS the kids can't be trusted with rock n roll damaged goods
CYANIDE PILLS won't be long nordic notes
BERLIN DISKRET wie funktioniert der verstand? flight 13 records
BERLIN DISKRET hdgdl flight 13 records
BERLIN DISKRET analyse flight 13 records
100 KILO HERZ spiegel bakraufarfita records
100 KILO HERZ keine zeit für angst (feat. Nicholas Müller) bakraufarfita records
100 KILO HERZ und das nennt ihr dann leben bakraufarfita records
AS FRIENDS RUST no gods, somes masters end hits
AS FRIENDS RUST positive mental platitude end hits
PROTOMARTYR for tomorrow domino
PROTOMARTYR fulfillment center domino
MILITARIE GUN do it faster loma vista
HIGH TIMES what do I do gunner records
HIGH TIMES super friends gunner records
BLONDIE youth nabbed as sniper emi
BLONDIE hanging on the telephone emi
BLONDIE one way or another emi

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