AUSFLUG 26.8.24 O.Vrankovic, Religionskritik mit Helge Schneider, aktuelle Konzerte

I'll Call You When Its Over Faction (Yair Etzioni)
I'm Sad, I'm Frightened, I'm Angry Saint Abdullah
Ghorbati Saman Yasin Ft Farhad Jahangiri
Bayat-e Tork, Pt. 2 (Iran) Khaledi and Zahedi
Lágrimas Negras Hermanos Gutierrez (Mojo Club)
Fable of the Urban Fox Arab Strap (Nochtspeicher)
Der Pabst Helge Schneider (Freilichtbühne) Astral Houdini Helge Schneider
Mak Attack Makaya Mccraven(Elbphil)
Conquer & DivideEl Michels Affair & Liam Bailey (LB Knust)
Superstar El Michels Affair & Liam Bailey
Arajghiyine (feat. Daniel Lanois) Tinariwen (Elbphil)
Kek Alghalm Tinariwen

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