Jazz oder nie am: Synthesizer; Tracklist

1. Sven Kacirek+ Fhunyue Gao: Bowie (not quite for strings) Hoya
2. Beach Boys: Good Vibrations; Smiley Smile
3. Clara Rockmore: Joseph Adwon: Hebrew Melody op. 33
4. Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Love; Led Zeppelin 2
5. Filmmusik: The Monster live; The Bride of Frankenstein
6. Carolina Eyck: Elliptic Orbit
7. Concertgebouw Orchest/Asko Ens.: Edgar Varèse: Poème électronique
8. Barbara Buchholz @feature ring
9. James Pinder: Brandenburg Concerto Nr. 3 like Switched-on Bach
10.Hot Butter: Pop Corn
11.Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Lucky Man; Emerson, Lake and Palmer
12.Donna Summer: I feel Love
13.Bronski Beat: Why? The age of consent

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