die ganze platte: Dynasti – Quantum Primitiv/Klanggalerie (dienstag, 11.07.23, 13-14 uhr)

Eine zusammenarbeit zwischen edward ka-spel, frans de waard und nyland. Zu edward ka-spel schreibt discogs: "Edward Ka-Spel is an English singer, songwriter and musician, born in London January 23, 1954. He is probably best known as the lead singer, songwriter and co-founder (with Phil “The Silverman” Knight) of the prolific underground band The Legendary Pink Dots.". Und zu frans de waard; "
Frans de Waard (born 1965) made his first music as Construction (12) (1981-1982), then stopped before 'really' producing music since 1984. First as Kapotte Muziek (a group that fully concentrates on recycling through musique concrete), but throughout the years, he also worked as Beequeen (with Freek Kinkelaar), Goem (with Roel Meelkop & Peter Duimelinks), Zèbra (with Roel Meelkop) and various solo projects. Frans de Waard also founded Korm Plastics, Bake Records, My Own Little Label and co-founded Audio.nl and Plinkity Plonk Records."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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