die ganze platte: Philippe Petit – Sleepwatching The Stars Dance/Attenuation Circuit (Di, 23.05.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "If you're talking about pivotal figures in music, Frenchman Philippe Petit is definitely one of them, and attenuation circuit is proud to welcome him to the label roster. Petit is more of a musical explorer and researcher than a musician, who calls himself a "musical travel agent". After years of intense touring, he recently took a step back for a while and started studying electro-acoustic music. Meanwhile, he has also almost become an ambassador of modularism, a movement to use modular synthesisers to make music that focuses on composition rather than the means to achieve it. This led to the album In A State Of Weightlessness (2022), which is now being followed up by Sleepwatching The Stars Dance, his first release on attenuation circuit. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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