Jazz oder nie: Hot Spot London (4.3.23)- Tracklist

1. Shabaka and the Ancestors: Mzwandile; Wisdom of Elders
2. Courtney Pine: The Jazzstep; Back in the day
3. Polar Bear: Life, love and light; Polar Bear
4. Polar Bear: Don´t let the feeling go; Polar Bear
5. Jazz Jamaica: Confucius; Live
6. Chris McGregor´s Brotherhood of Breath: MRA; Chris McGregor´s....
7. Chris McGregor´s Brotherhood of Breath: You ain´t gonna know me;
Procession-Live in Toulouse
8. Fela Kuti Africa 70/Ginger Baker: Black man´s cry; Live!
9. Ezra Collective: Space is the Place; You ain´t gonna steal my joy
10.Ezra Collective: ?
11.Soweto Kinch: Dexology; Converstions with the unseen
12.Acoustic Ladyland: Road of bones; Skinny grin
13.Derek Bailey & Joélle Léandre: No waiting Pt.3; No waiting
14.The Comet is coming: Final Eclipse; Boiler Room

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