die ganze platte: Jac Berrocal, David Fenech, Vincent Epplay - Transcodex/Klanggalerie (Di, 28.02.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Ein stelldichein mit französischen jazz/experimental musiker und gästen wie Jah Wobble und Jean-Hervé Peron. Über David Fenech ist ein intressanter discogseintrag vorhanden: "David Fenech has been an active composer, performer, and improviser for over ten years in France. His works include acoustic, electronic, tape, and digital media, including sound installations and film scores.
As a soloist, David Fenech plays guitar and ukulele as well as small instruments such as melodica, cavaquinho, toy piano and xylophone. As an improviser he played with musicians such as Rhys Chatham, Pierre Bastien, Nurse With Wound, Bérangère Maximin, James Plotkin, Jad Fair, Tom Cora, Gino Robair, Ramona Córdova, Klimperei, Andrea Parkins, Ghédalia Tazartès, Jac Berrocal, and many others.
Born in july 1969 (at the same time men were walking on the moon), david had a guitar for his 10th birthday and never ceased making music since then. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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