Jazz oder nie: Live fast, die young; Tracklist

1. Heliocentric Counterblast: Saturn; Planetary Tunes
2. Clifford Brown/Max Roach Quintet: Delilah; Clifford Brown+ Max
3. Jaco Pastorius: Donna Lee; Jaco Pastorius
4. Charlie Christian: Swing to Bop; Archive of Folk Music
5. Lee Konitz/Warne Marsh: Topsi; Lee Konitz+ Warne Marsh
6. Les McCann: Tcha Tcha Twist; In New York
7. Chano Pozo: Tin Tin Deo; Chano Pozo+ Orchestra
8. Lee Morgan: Cornbread; Cornbread
9. Bobby Timmons: This Here; Soul Time
10.Jaimie Branch: Rabbits on the Run; Zurich Concert
11.Eric Dolphy: On green Dolphin street; Outward Bound
12.Austin Peralta: The Lotus Flower; Endless Planet
13.Austin Peralta: Capricornus; Endless Planets
14.Dinah Washington: This bitter World

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