Gemeinschaftssendung der Musikredaktion: Spurensuche 3, Tracklist

1. Mahleem Mahmoud Ghania, Pharoah Sanders: La Allah Dayim Moulenah;
Trance of the seven Colors
2. Groupe Doueh: Zayna Jumma; Zayna Jumma
3. Groupe Doueh: Ishadlak Yakhey; Zayna Jumma
4. Don Cherry: Bass Figure for Ballatune; Eternal now
5. Yanna Momina: Honey Bee; afar ways
6. Yanna Momina: Ahiyole; afar ways
7. Bill Laswell: Chacon and Daniel; Imaginary Cuba
8. Bardo Todol, Robert Mills: Magnetic Road to hell
9.Transglobal Underground: Nile Delta Disco; rejoice rejoice
10.Captain Beefheart: Tarotplane; Mirror Man Sessions
11.Witthüser und Westrupp: Zu den Jahreszeiten; Bauer Plath

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