die ganze platte: Harry Partch - Delusion Of The Fury, A Ritual Of Dream and Delusion/Wergo (Di, 22.11.2022, 13:00-14.00 Uhr)

Das Ensemble Musikfabrik hat die instrumente von Harry Partch nachgebaut und diese cd eingespielt. Wikipedia schreibt: "Harry Partch (June 24, 1901 – September 3, 1974) was an American composer, music theorist, and creator of unique musical instruments. He composed using scales of unequal intervals in just intonation, and was one of the first 20th-century composers in the West to work systematically with microtonal scales, alongside Lou Harrison. He built custom-made instruments in these tunings on which to play his compositions, and described the method behind his theory and practice in his book Genesis of a Music (1947)."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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