die ganze platte: Mathias Delplanque - O Seuil/Ici, d`ailleurs (dienstag, 01.11.22, 13-14 uhr)

Das label schreibt: "«Ô Seuil» was conceived as a direct follow-up to «Drachen» (his previous solo album, released in 2015 on Mind Travels). The same
taste for powerfully immersive sound pieces, based on electronically processed acoustic instruments, can be found here. The album is an exhibition of constantly changing sound paintings, alternately simple and complex, constantly oscillating between light and shadow. Mathias Delplanque continues to develop his matierist approach to sound, which he carves, hollows out, cuts and models endlessly, like a composite sculpture."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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