archive & augenzeugen: Pas Musique & Rapoon - Composed Reality/Zoharum (04.08.20, 14.00 - 15.00 uhr)

Das label schreibt: "Zoharum presents the collaborative album previously released on tape and USB stick in strictly limited editions in 2018. It is being released for the first time in the CD form. Rapoon and Pas Musique have teamed up again for their third collaborative release titled “Composited Reality”. 6 new tracks and field recordings mix the two sonic worlds of Robert L. Pepper and Robin Storey. Field recordings originate from Brooklyn, New York, USA, Indonesia, and New Castle, England which are mixed together with a light backing tracks of various instruments."

+ ein extra track von Moan vom "Isolate, Desolate, Mutate" album, ebenfalls auf Zoharum dieses jahr erschien.

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